Sunday, November 26, 2006

thanksgiving 2006

The visit up north was small in scale but huge in terms of enjoyment. Took in the sights. Felt the pulse of a different city. Synchronized to the vibe that is San Francisco.

The day after Thanksgiving we went to Chinatown. The restaurant under the lighted white sign is where we ate. It was very popular judging by the people waiting an hour for a table. We walked straight in and my uncle schmoozed the owner of the restaurant, and had a table in under 3 minutes. My uncle's got some serious juice in Chinatown.

My uncle and aunt carving up the bird. My uncle comes from a long line of professional chefs, and has it in his blood to treat the art of cooking with respect. If his Gilligan's island hat helps him get his cooking mojo on, who am I to judge?

Madison enjoyed her ride on the Redwood Valley Railway. It was a ten minute ride on a track carved into a beautiful mountain redwood forest.

A shot of the 'train' as we chugged along. It made me think of that scene in Return of the Jedi when the ewoks and Han Solo were flying through the redwoods, except we were moving much slower. There are other differences, to be sure.

Madison about to board the train. We were mere inches away from a tragic 'refridgerator man' incident that would have been traumatizing to all parties involved.

Choo chooin through the forest with her favorite aunt.

While the ladies were using the outhouse, I climbed an embankment behind the men's outhouse, and was surprised to find this vista. Not the Grand Canyon, but the unexpected view of sheer expanse of land and ocean was breathtaking, proving again that the best things in life are found off the beaten path.

1 comment:

Praisy said...

How do you get such a cool blog?? Pray tell, pray tell!!